Rep. Todd Tiahrt is a friend of business. He’s not much of a friend to the workers and consumers. But apparently businesses are his top priority. That’s probably because they are his main supplier of campaign funds.
Consider what he has said in the US House debate over Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act, 2007, May 24 of this year:
"Mr. Chairman, I yield myself such time as I may consume. Mr. Chairman, my amendment is very simple. It just says we will not promulgate any regulations without considering the effect such regulations have on the competitiveness of American businesses.”
And for Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2007, May 23:
"Mr. Chairman, I yield myself such time as I may consume. Mr. Chairman, my amendment is very simple. It just says that none of the funds made available in this act will be used to promulgate regulations without consideration of the effect that such regulations would have on the competitiveness of American businesses.”
Sound like a broken record? Of course it does. This is a businessman’s representative. The people don’t count and never have.
Tiahrt did vote for the marriage amendment to keep his Christian right constituents happy. They may overlook his looting of his office over his so called “moral votes.”

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