Thursday, April 13, 2006

Tiahrt fails to embarrass Sebelius

Sebelius Praised for "Disposable Worker" Veto

Jesse Nathan, a Lawrence-based writer and photographer, writes a column for San Francisco's largest alternative daily, BeyondChron called "Blue Thoughts From a Red State." His most recent column discussed Governor Kathleen Sebelius' veto of SB 461, "the Disposable Worker" bill. Here's a little of what he says.

"during an election year and Republican Senators and Representatives wanted to stick it to Sebelius by making her veto something that will get her in trouble in November. The Governor, however, has refused to support this legislation simply because it may win her a few votes in the fall. And this, playing politics with money that workers statewide desperately need to support their families, is exactly what the GOPers this state produces—see Senators Brownback and Roberts or Rep. Todd Tiahrt—love to do....

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