Thursday, September 20, 2018

Kickbacks, bribes, slush money—It is just not enough for Kris Kobach

By SJ Otto

Republican Candidate for Governor Kris Kobach loves money, graft and cheating on elections in general. So he is pushing for a move to lift the limits a person can give to the candidate of their choice in Kansas. Kansans can give up to $4,000 —but he wants more.
The Republicans already have a financial edge during election time. Republican donors are rich. Most are corporate leaders and they get plenty back from their donations. They get rules that go against the common working man. And the common working man can't afford to give $4,000 or more to one candidate in an election. Wealthy heads of industry can throw $thousands, even $millions at an election and they often do—and it often helps their candidate win.
Even though it is perfectly legal to put so much money in a campaign, it isn't very fair. It is why our government is more of a oligarchy than an actual democracy. It's kind of like—one vote—one dollar. Their money doesn't always make them win, but it helps. That may be why all three branches of our government are run by Republicans. Who ever has the most money to spend on ads usually wins. It is usually Republicans.
That may explain why President Donald Trump gave a tax break to all this nation's $millionaires and $billionaires, but actually eliminated a lot of tax deductions for the working poor. Tax cuts for the rich—higher taxes for the poor. He demolished Obamacare (Affordable Care Act) which tried to give some health care to the working poor and the poor. The wealthy can afford their own insurance. But poor folks can't afford heath insurance and Republicans want to keep it that way. That is why this is a rich man's country and many of us know it.

“I would like to see some reforms regarding campaign finance contribution limits. It has been almost 30 years since the legislature last (updated) limits for statewide offices. They are very low,” Kobach said in a statement, printed in The Wichita Eagle.

So even though the Republicans, such as Kobach, spend as much as five times what their opponents spend, they want to take in and spend even more. This is going to be really important this year because Kobach is a terrible candidate and basically a terrible human being. To win this election he will need all the help he can get. He and his supporters are already spending way more than his opponent, Laura Kelly. The only way a bad candidate like Kobach can win is to raise more money and put his ads on TV, way more often than Kelly. He will also need to lie about Kelly and other things, but lying is what Republicans do best.

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