Saturday, August 31, 2019

Here are a few pictures from my trip to Cuba

Here are some pictures I took on my trip to Cuba, this summer, and explanations for\ them. 

They had several wall plaques along a stretch of the Cuban beach. They have these concrete triangles and each triangle had several plaques of heroes. There were the classics, such as V.I. Lenin and Karl Marx. There were some interesting names, such as the Haymarket Martyrs' from Chicago, which included August SpiesAdolph FischerGeorge EngelLouis Lingg, and Albert Parsons. They had a plague of Salvador Allende, former Marxist president of Chile. They had their on national heroes such as Che Guevara, Fidel Castro and José Martí.
In Cuba they have a lot of monuments to the leaders of the revolution, including Che Guevara and  José Martí.

Then there were these really cool lizards whose pix I took. One looks like an anole the other looks like a really young gecko.

This tree frog, after I took his picture, jumped on my table and then he jumped into my hair. When I thought about it, the little guy looks a lot like us, he is covered in skin, like us, he has long fingers, like us, his back legs are longer than his front legs, like us. But the one thing different is that he has no hair on his head. So it is completely logical that he jumped on our heads to see what hair is really like. 
There are a few more of these to come. -Pix and writing by SJ Otto

Monday, August 26, 2019

Some young Americans warm to socialism, even Miami Cubans

This is really good news. This country has been stuck in reverse, or should I say “stuck in conservatism,” since the presidency of Ronald Reagan. Right after the presidency of Reagan we had a whole generation of young conservatives who helped keep progressives wedged between an older conservative generation and the young conservative kids. For progressives the last 30 years have really sucked. The peace movement has been dead, largely due to Democratic Presidents, such as Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. Both of those men were from the conservative wing of the Democratic Party. Middle of the road centrism seems to have been the best progressives thought they could achieve. Until the last election when Bernie Sanders blazed the way for the new young progressives and socialists to strike out against the conservative system. The idea of a socialist, such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), elected to office, seemed far fetched just a few years ago. Conservatives, such as Fox News have gone crazy over the idea that there are enough socialists in the US to elect a person such as AOC to congress. There seems to be a lot of socialist young people in this country and there may be enough of them to actually bring progressive change to this country. The possibilities seem really good right now. –SJ Otto

From AP news:
MIAMI (AP) — Andy Vila’s mother remembers her son as a bright, rebellious child who enjoyed Harry Potter books and dressing up as the U.S. president. But when he began to embrace the same ideology his family had fled in socialist Cuba, she pleaded in vain for him to stop his political activism.
His socialism made Vila an outlier in his Miami community and opened deep rifts with relatives. He was briefly exiled from home, and his mother entered therapy to bridge their differences. To mention socialism at family dinners, “that’s a no-go,” Vila said. Relatives would “look at me funny and say, ‘We’ve escaped that.’”
At 21, Vila is part of a wave of young Americans openly supporting socialism, even among Miami’s staunchly anti-left Cubans. Although the definition of the ideology varies widely, it is making particular inroads among millennials and Generation Z voters, who are expected to make up 37% of the 2020 U.S. electorate, according to the Pew Research Center.
While more than half of Americans rejected socialism in a recent Gallup poll, 43% surveyed said some version of it would be good for the country. That sentiment was held by 58% of respondents ages 18 to 34, compared with just 36% of those 55 and older.

The popularity of self-described democratic socialists like Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York has influenced the 2020 Democratic candidates, several of whom say they at least partially support socialist-style policies.
Vila emigrated from Cuba with his parents in 2004, receiving asylum and a pathway to citizenship. Initially optimistic about a new country where anything seemed possible, he became disillusioned with the American dream after his family lost its home during the Great Recession.
As a teen, he identified as a Libertarian-style Republican and spent hours watching YouTube clips of conservative provocateurs lambasting liberals. He served as a congressional intern for longtime Miami Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, a Republican, and joined a conservative college group.
But something began to shift during the 2016 election. Donald Trump and the Republican Party’s increasingly hostile stance toward immigration alienated Vila, though he agreed with the party on other issues.

For the rest click here.

In this June 26, 2019, photo, Andy Vila, 21, speaks to callers who have phoned in to an anonymous know-your-rights hotline for immigrants who are in Miami illegally. He says his generation is more concerned with solving current problems than fighting past ideological wars. (AP Photo/Ellis Rua)

Friday, August 23, 2019

David Koch was an enemy to the working people, poor people, the environment and progressive politics in general

By SJ Otto
The Koch brothers have their names plastered all over Wichita. It is like the pumas that pee on their territory to mark their range to other predators. The Kochs have pissed all over Wichita and the proof of that is their names on so many buildings, at WSU, the Zoo and other public buildings, here in Wichita. The Kochs all want us to know how important they believe they are.
Most of the established press in Wichitaincluding The Wichita Eagle, have nothing but lavish praise for David Koch who has died at the age of 79.

And of course politicians from Kansas also have nothing but praise for David Koch. For example, from the Washington Post:

“Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says he was saddened to hear of the death of billionaire industrialist David H. Koch.
Pompeo said in a tweet Friday that Koch was “a compassionate philanthropist, successful businessman, and a proud American.”
David Koch and his brother Charles Koch were major donors to conservative causes and educational groups. David Koch died Friday at age 79.”

Of course there were also celebrities who criticized him. From Fox News:[1]

“Entertainer Bette Midler isn't one to mince words and her response to billionaire David Koch's death was no different.
After news of Koch's death broke on Friday, Midler piled onto the crude reactions on social media with a series of tweets attacking Koch's legacy.
One of those contained a vulgar attack on Heritage Foundation president Kay Coles James, who praised Koch as a "great philanthropist and friend of liberty."

Heritage President Kay Coles James Remembers David Koch | The Heritage Foundation

WASHINGTON—Heritage Foundation President Kay Coles James made the following statement about the death of philanthropist David Koch. With a heavy heart, we note the passing of a great philanthropist...

"With all due respect, Ms. James, f--k you," Midler tweeted. "'A friend of liberty' Yes, his own and his family's. The rest of us can drink leaded water and burn in the climate change he produced."
The Bottom line here is that both Koch brothers financed extremely reactionary political groups and they worked hard to kill anything our government tried to do to help poor people. As with many conservatives, they waged a war against working people and poor people, destroying their rights with every chance they got.
David Koch should not be celebrated in any way except the fact that this country will be way better off without him.

[1] Fox does not seem to like us using their hyperlinks…

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

DSA Wholeheartedly Supports Representatives Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar

This is an article that supports what I have been writing about for some time now. That is why I’m reposting it.-  SJ Otto

President (Donald) Trump and Prime Minister (Benjamin) Netanyahu are collaborating in excluding the only two Muslim Congresswomen from visiting Israel and the Palestinian territories it controls.
Netanyahu’s pretext is that Tlaib and Omar support the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel and its West Bank settlement. Trump tweets without proof that the two representatives “hate Israel and all Jewish people” and that Israel would show great weakness if it allowed Rep. Omar and Tlaib to visit.”
Rep. Tlaib was then offered a “humanitarian” exemption to visit her 90-year old grandmother on the West Bank. After due deliberation, Rep. Tlaib then courageously chose not to accept the humiliating condition of public silence that would be imposed on her if she accepted.
Both Presidents Trump and Netanyahu are feeding red meat to their rightwing, nativist and racist bases. Otherwise it is difficult to comprehend why they fear the voices and reports back of two freshman Congresspersons. The bloated $3.8 billion annual appropriation for the military of an already highly armed and economically prosperous Israel sails through Congress with only scattered opposition. A combined delegation of Congresspersons [31 Republicans and 41 Democrats, 32 of whom were freshmen] just returned from their tour of Israel sponsored by AIPAC. Delegation leaders Hoyer (D) and McCarthy (R) competed in proclaiming their full adherence to Israeli security, denounced BDS and made no reference to the plight of Palestinians. Yet two Congresspersons have to be silenced to prevent an open debate on Israel, Palestine and BDS in the USA.
The current attacks on two Muslim-American Congresspersons form part of a strategy to paralyze and divide any effective form of opposition, in particular within the current Democratic Party apparatus that fears revisiting its uncritical and one-sided support for Israel. DSA condemns in the strongest terms the manipulation of global relationships to nativist ends, and urges elected representatives and candidates for office to firmly oppose ethnic repression at home and abroad.
DSA strongly supports Representatives Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib as they continue to use their offices to disentangle U.S. policy from its uncritical support for Israel’s repression of Palestinians, even under the threat of personal repercussions and political reprisal.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Time to get rid of the Electoral College

From  Common Cause:
Many Americans are outraged that for the second time in five elections, the presidential candidate who won the most popular votes LOST the election in 2016. And in every presidential election, candidates are forced to only compete in a handful of swing states -- effectively ignoring voters in every other state in the union. 
The winner-take-all Electoral College system that led to this anti-democratic outcome must be changed -- so that voters in all 50 states have a say in choosing our president. 
Here's how to do it: states can decide how they award their electoral votes -- so if enough require their electors to vote for the winner of the nationwidepopular vote, it would fix the problems of the Electoral College without needing to amend the Constitution. 
This National Popular Vote Compact wouldn't take effect until enough jurisdictions have joined in, but we're closer to that than you might think -- 15 states and D.C. have already signed on, totaling 196 electoral votes of the needed 270. 
Click here to sign the petition>SIGN THE PETITION

Friday, August 16, 2019

Let’s speak out against Omar and Tlaib’s blocked trip to Israel

By SJ Otto
We all know who President Donald Trump likes to support, his allies, including Israel. Trump is an authoritarian kind of leader and he likes other authoritarian leaders, such as himself, and such as Democratic People's Republic of (North) Korean leader Kim Jong-un (김정은). Although he hates socialism, he seems to like such authoritarian leaders. The only thing they have in common is there love of political power.
So it is not surprising that he encouraged Benjamin Netanyahu (בִּנְיָמִין נְתַנְיָהוּ) to block Reps. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib’s visits to Israel this weekend. We have to wonder what is the worst that can happen? Well they might visit the

“Impact of Israeli settlements on Bedouins in east Jerusalem, a U.N. briefing on the effects of U.S. humanitarian aid cuts, hold a video conference with Gaza youth and tour the West Bank city of Hebron with Israeli military veterans.”

And despite what the Israeli officials claimed:

“U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota disputes Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu 's claim that she and Rep. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan didn't ask to meet with Israeli government or opposition officials before he barred them from visiting Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank next week.”

So a country that claims to be “westernized” which ordinarily would include supporting freedom of speech and the freedom to travel is just not what we are seeing here. We are seeing the kind of authoritarian rule we expect from an authoritarian, near fascist ruler such as Netanyahu.
We all need to speck out against this gross injustice.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Portland, OR- the center of a clash between militias of the far-right and Antifa

By SJ Otto
Last year I as in Portland Oregon and I noticed the local news papers had written about the fights between far right-wing groups and the Antifa. There seemed to be a small but steady group of Antifa and they made themselves known to the city rulers.
One article I read was about the town council moving a city council meeting because Antifa had threatened to disrupt it. Both sides accused each other of being unreasonable. The city refuse to meet and discuss anything with Antifa. And Antifa was adamant that their rights of free speech were being violated.
A year later, the city still has far right activists fighting it out with Antifa. According to Yahoo News:

"PORTLANDOre. (AP) — Portland police are mobilizing to prevent clashes between out-of-state far-right groups planning a rally here and the homegrown anti-fascists who oppose them as America's culture wars seep into this progressive haven.
Saturday's rally — and the violence it may bring — are a relatively new reality here, as an informal coalition of white nationalists, white supremacists and extreme-right militias hones its focus on Oregon's largest city as a stand-in for everything it feels is wrong with the U.S. At the top of that list are the masked and black-clad anti-fascists who turn out to violently oppose right-wing demonstrators as soon as they set foot in town.
"It's Portlandia, and in the public mind it represents everything these (far-right) groups are against," said Heidi Beirich, director of the Intelligence Project at the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks hate groups. "It's progressive, and even more offensive to them, it's progressive white people who should be on these guys' side."

The far right groups seem to go by various names, including Proud Boy, who made their appearance recently and Patriot Prayer, the name of a group from last year. The opposition on the left is almost always Antifa— short for Anti-fascists. There are a lot of left-wing and progressive groups in Portland. But most of these groups have chosen to ignore the far right militias Antifa is usually about the only group that fights against them.  Some progressives have condemned Antifa for their actions. Other groups just ignore the whole thing. A few cooperate, at leas on some issues.
These conflicts affect a lot of activities in the city. As an example a 5k race, that is planned for August 17, has been moved. Whether the people in Portland like it or not, this battle is set to take place in their community. As stated above, far right groups have focused on Portland because it is a progressive and left oriented town. Therefore it represents all the things that right-wing groups hate.
Whether local activist like it or not, Antifa is probably taking action that might prevent the right-wing militias from just taking over the town and its various institutions. Most Antifa groups or influenced by anarchist philosophy and ideology.
Some of Antifa's tactics might be useful to progressive organizations. We can't just play it safe. We may need to get our hands dirty from time to time.
At the very least we should not take a position of antagonism or opposition to the Antifa. They do lack discipline and they avoid organization. Still we gain more from them than we may lose by letting them take on the far right militias. Those militias should not get a free ride in any town. They need to be exposed by those who oppose them. Most of all they need to BE OPPOSED.
As the Antifa use various methods of political struggle we can learn from them, both their mistakes and those methods of action that do work. Antifa is doing us a favor by taking on the militias.  

Portland Rallies Extremes Converge

FILE - In this Aug. 4, 2018, file photo, counter-protesters prepare to clash with Patriot Prayer protesters during a rally in Portland, Ore. Portland police are mobilizing in hopes of avoiding clashes between out-of-state hate groups planning a rally Saturday, Aug. 17, 2019, and homegrown anti-fascists who say they’ll come out to oppose them. Since President Donald Trump’s election, Portland has become a political arena for far-right and far-left groups to face off. (AP Photo/John Rudoff, File)

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

If they want our organs after we are dead, they can fix our health care system first!

By SJ Otto
I recently got my drivers license renewed. As usual, I was asked if I waned to be an organ donor. For years I have put yes to being an organ donor. This year was different. I said no. My reason is simple. I’m tired of living in a country where I can’t get the health care I need because of cost. There are a lot of people in this country who don’t seem to have a problems affording health care. Some have insurance through their work. Others can actually afford expensive health care.
My feelings are that my organs will not go to those people who can afford the healthcare I can’t afford. People as I, need to start finding ways to get back at those who have kept us poorer folks from getting health care. When I die my organs will go with me and anyone who needs them can just die. I know people in my income bracket will not be able to afford my organs anyway. Those who can afford my organs can just die as far as I’m concerned. Poor folks like me have few options to fight against those who think a national health care plan is too radical for them.
So I’m encouraging everyone who needs health care and is sick and tired of living in a country where we can’t afford it, should deny the use of their organs. It is time to with hold our organs until we get the change we need. We must constantly find new ways to fight against the system that denies us health care. Every other country has a system to make sure every citizen can afford health care. Any way that us poorer folks can find to monkey wrench the system we should take action. Resistance is one of the few tools we have to fight back.   

Monday, August 12, 2019

Kansas lags behind in collecting OUR fair share of federal funds and is failing to fight poverty

By SJ Otto
This week I read as Ed Flentje, wrote "Kansas leads the nation in refusing federal dollars," in The Wichita Eagle. This article is not all that surprising. People have had to put up with past Governor Sam Brownback and his conspirators who tried their best to destroy nearly all of Kansas' safety nets that help those in poverty that need assistance. One major battle that still needs to be fought is to expand Medicaid. According to Flentje's article:

"Should Kansans be cheering or booing state lawmakers for refusing available federal aid? The answer is a no-brainer!
Nearly 80% of all federal money to the states comes through grants for Medicaid or income security. In the period 2011 through 2017, Republican lawmakers, led by former Gov. Sam Brownback, began denying available federal aid to the state’s most vulnerable residents — poor families, children, seniors, the unemployed and the disabled."

Not only do people need Medicaid, but that federal money is funding that we as tax payers have already paid for. Other states get their fair share while ass hole politicians in Kansas have deliberately sent that money back. Expanding Medicaid would save many lives here in Kansas—literally save lives. And because of their spiteful attitude, working Kansans who can't afford health care go without. Since we have a new governor, we should be able to reverse this eventually. In the mean time, Democrats should be asking why Governor Laura Kelly hasn't ended the disastrous privatization system that Brownback set up.
There are some other battles that Kelly needs to stand up on. Earlier this year Kelly backed of changes that extended food assistance to thousands of Kansas adults even though they failed to meet a work requirement. Kelly knuckled under in response to a threat from Republican Attorney General Derek Schmidt to file a lawsuit over the policy change. We didn't vote for a Governor so she could allow the Republicans to bully her around and continue THEIR business as usual. The work requirements are ridiculous, unnecessary and they hinder people who really need this assistance.  
For  those of us who voted for Kelly, we expect to reverse a lot of the non-sense the Republicans have put on all public assistance. The Republicans did their best to neglect poor people and humiliate them. The Democrats in the legislature, along with Kelly, should reverse as much of their stupidity as possible. The Republicans will return eventually and they will put more restrictions on assistance. In many ways there really is no welfare in Kansas. The Republican restrictions they kept placing on it, has made it nearly impossible to get and if a person can get it, the restrictions make it a very humiliating experience.
Kansas can now do better. And Kelly needs to do better. She can certainly reverse the trend of sending back federal aid that can be used to help Kansans who are living in poverty. As I work in the Wichita School System, I am constantly reminded that there are children who dread summer and days off school because they don't get enough to eat. This is ridiculous. This state could help that situation and there is no reason that keeps on happening.
Kelly and all the Democrats need to stand up to the conservatives. Stop letting them push us around.
The same can be said for any Democrat who runs against President Donald Trump. It is not enough to just stop passing laws that gut people's services and protections from predatory lenders and similar businesses. We need to reverse as much of what he has done as possible. We need to win our country back and put up a fight against right-wing stupidity.  

Friday, August 09, 2019

A letter on gun violence from Kansas Governor Laura Kelly

I received this letter from an e-mail I got from Kansas Governor Laura Kelly (SJ Otto):

Right now, we’re in the middle of a public health crisis. This past weekend, tragedy struck El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio, as two deadly mass shootings happened within 24 hours of each other.

No one should be scared to see a movie, go shopping, or attend a church service. We owe it to every American to take swift action to address the gun violence epidemic happening in our country right now. My thoughts are with the families of the victims of these senseless acts of violence.

Hundreds of communities have been ravaged by gun violence and countless lives changed forever as they’ve been forced to say goodbye to loved ones too soon. This should not be our normal and it’s time we take action to end gun violence now.

We can -- and we must -- do better, Steve. It’s time for legislators across the country to come together to pass meaningful gun reform legislation.

Thank you,

Laura Kelly

P.S. If you would like to make a donation to organizations dedicated to ending gun violence in our country, please join me in supporting Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund by chipping in today. 

Wednesday, August 07, 2019

US arrogance has failed to bully Maduro out of Venezuela

By SJ Otto
The US under President Donald Trump, has worked hard to try and remove President Nicolás Maduro, of Venezuela, and replace him with a puppet regime under the leadership of  Juan Guaidó. Guaidó has never been elected president. Originally Maduro was elected president several years ago.
Several months ago, Trump tried to foment a coup, hoping he could persuade the military into rebelling against Maduro. So far it has not worked.
To punish Maduro and all of Venezuela, trump put sanctions on the country, trying to choke Maduro's socialist regime. Trump hates socialism and seems to believe he can overthrow the regimes in Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela, with sanctions being his main weapon.
Now, according to Vox news:

"President Donald Trump issued an executive order on Monday that freezes and blocks the transfer of all Venezuelan government property and assets in the United States; importantly, the sanctions apply not only to Maduro’s government but also to any US individuals or entities that try to do business with it."

This whole policy is nothing more than pure arrogance on the part of the US. The US has no right or authority to demand that an elected president of a country resign or step down. Much of this is just prejudice against country for not embracing capitalism. I have just returned from a trip to Cuba where I saw first hand a socialist and Marxist country. That system worked, despite having an embargo against it, which is nothing more than an attempt to economically strangle that nation. The US, under Trump, wants the world to believe that socialism doesn't work and socialism has ruined the economy in both Venezuela and Cuba. But the truth is the sanctions have prevented both countries from getting badly needed foods and medicines. The results of these sanctions and or an embargo punish the average citizens. They are the ones who can't get the food or medicines they need. These people go without their needs met due to The US' attempt to end these non-capitalist systems.
It should be pointed out that Trump has the backing of all Republicans and most Democrats. So this is not an issue that is being debated in congress, with the exception of just a few Democrats such as Ilhan Omar.
US imperialism is alive and operating in all of Latin America. The CIA, in recent years, has helped right-wing pro-US governments getting elected to replace the governments that were more nationalistic, trying to gain control of their own resources.
This arrogance is mainly to protect greedy $millionaires and $billionaires such as Trump, as well as other well paid journalists, pundits and politicians who profit well off of the capitalist system, at the expense of many working poor people. I have seen socialism at work in Cuba. The main opposition to it is by greedy wealthy people who believe they deserve privileges that socialist countries don't grant them. In other words this is never been about human rights. It is about political leaders who believe they have a right to be rich and greedy.
An irony here is that some government experts don't think these new sanctions will do much good. According to The Guardian:

"The time for dialogue is over. Now is the time for action,” Bolton declared, spurning Norway-sponsored negotiations that have been taking place between representatives of Maduro and his US-backed challenger, Juan Guaidó.
But experts questioned the impact and wisdom of the measures, which Maduro’s administration and its Russian backers branded “economic terrorism”.
Some fear the latest sanctions will further aggravate an already dire humanitarian situation which has already forced millions to flee Venezuela, while others believe they will alienate Guaidó’s European backers who believe a negotiated solution is possible.
Christopher Sabatini, a senior fellow for Latin America at the Chatham House thinktank, said Trump’s latest gambit was designed to achieve nothing but Maduro’s immediate downfall.
“This is intended to bring this government to its knees and to bring in Guaidó. That’s it … But it will not work. It will actually make Maduro’s government what it always wanted to be: a martyr,” Sabatini said.
Farid Kahhat, a professor of international relations at Lima’s Catholic University, said that while Maduro was to blame for Venezuela’s economic meltdown, “what the US is doing is making things worse – at least in the near future”.

Trumps' attempts at regime change may not work after all. Stamping out socialism is turning out to be harder than Trump thought it would be. Trumps efforts deserve to fail. The US has no business deciding who can and should run the nations in Latin America. A triumph for socialism is a triumph for poor and working people. Such people deserve to win, especially after years, decades and centuries of being servants of the wealthy minorities.  

Sunday, August 04, 2019

Medicaid for all a touchy subject for Centrist Democrats

By SJ Otto
I wake up Sunday morning to this. In fairness, I have been characterizing the Republicans from this state as far-far-far-far to the right. And sometimes even farther. So maybe I can understand why Theissen calls our positions "far left." But as Bernie Sanders has said at times, "it really isn't that far to the left." The entire western industrialized world has a healthcare system that makes sure NO ONE goes without health care. And I should point out that I just came back from a trip to Cuba and NO ONE THERE is denied health care because they are poor.
So as Sanders, the Cuban government and I agree, providing poor people with health care is just NOT that radical.
And still I can't help feeling that Theissen and others like him are not convinced.  

It is not surprising that Theissen and others frame the debate this way:
"But what we really saw in Detroit were debates between the party's left and the far left."
When Ronald Reagan came to office in 1981, he permanently moved the US political scale several bars to the right. Suddenly the left became the middle and the right became the political center. So far many, the political scale became permanently altered.
It is still like that. But many of us, such as those who support Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and others are trying to do it move the political middle back to the actual political middle. Theissen is sure to oppose such movement.
The next statement, from Theissen's, is really similar to that which all the centrist Democrats are saying:

"Montana Gov. Steve Bullock accused the senators of "wish list economics." Former Maryland representative John Delaney said they were advocating "bad policies like Medicare-for-all, free everything and impossible promises that will turn off independent voters and get (Donald) Trump reelected."

We have heard this all before. But I happen to know that many people in this country are suffering from an inability to pay for overpriced medicines that many of us just can't pay for. These are not luxury items, they are needed so that people can live. People will die without these medicines and many people have to go without food or other necessities because they just can't afford the medicines they need.
Let's look at one of the arguments may by Theissen:

"The public option is, as Medicare and Medicaid  administrator Seema Verma explained, nothing more than "a Trojan horse with single -payer hiding inside." It would be a disaster:  "Private insurance pays hospitals 75% more than Medicare for the same services. If millions of non-seniors sign up for Medicare and those private subsidies disappear, costs will skyrocket and hospitals will close—necessitating massive tax increases and government intervention."

These are all the horror stories we constantly hear from the right, both Republicans and centrist Democrats.
I for one, have had to declare bankruptcy several years ago to pay off medical depts. So poor people like me just don't count. We are statistics. All across the globe, wealthy countries have found ways to make health care affordable to poor and working poor.
In the US, poor people without health care are just statistics on a campaign poster. We just don't matter. Who really cares if we can afford the medicines it takes to keep us alive. To the middle class who have insurance through their work, we are just statistics.
Our lives just really don't matter. Theissen won't lose any sleep over my death or the death of any of my friends or relatives. He won't miss us and neither will the middle class red-necks who have THEIR own heath insurance.
The only thing people like me can do is withhold our votes. It isn't much. Maybe it doesn't matter at all. But not voting for a centrist Democrat is all we can do. It isn't much but it is all we can do.  

Price gouging.

Friday, August 02, 2019

Sanders and Warren Tout Progressive Vision for 2020 as Second Democratic Debate Kicks Off

By SJ Otto
This site will probably back one of the Democrat candidates for president. We hope to support Bernie Sanders but we realize it may be a long shot for him to win. So who else can we back? We need someone progressive, preferably someone who will support a medical care for all system. We may consider Elizabeth Warren. We realize that none of these people will support all of our positions. We need to make progress on expanding medical coverage. This country has punished poor people by denying them health care long enough. Obamacare (Affordable Care Act) was better than nothing and even that has been mostly destroyed by our idiot and chief, Donald Trump. Opposing Trump is a no-brainer. We would not be a left-leaning blog if we didn’t oppose trump. However, supporting a conservative Democrat (Republican light) is something we can’t support. Conservative Democrats are as much out enemy as the Republicans. To just stop having Trump destroy our country is not good enough. It is time to fight for progressive politics and this is not a good time to just retreat politically. We have had conservative presidents for the last 30 years, staring with Ronald Reagan. He pushed the country for to the right and it is time to push back. Democrats who complain we can’t have medical care for all are like the cock roaches who race below objects to hide from the light. They run for the safety of a dark hiding place. It is time to stop running and hiding.