Friday, June 12, 2009

Tiahrt attacks stimulus bill

True to Republican ideology, Rep. Todd Tiahrt tried to roll back the stimulus bill. The House Appropriations Committee nixed it on a party-line vote.
According to The Wichita Eagle:

. “Disguised as economic recovery, the so-called stimulus plan has miserably failed the American people,” Tiahrt said. “Quite simply, it has not worked. Consider that 1.5 million Americans have lost their jobs since the Obama stimulus bill became law, and then ask yourself why we should borrow money to fund programs that fail to perform.”

He ignores the fact that the recession began years before George Bush left office and was getting continuously worse. It’s hard to believe the recession would magically reverse itself without any government program. Some parts of the economy are improving. Tiahrt and his fellow right wing crack pots want us all to sit on our asses and just wait for things to get better,


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