Friday, February 03, 2006

Tiahrt bombs out as majority whip!

A major crisis had been averted as Rep. Todd Tiahrt learned he would not be chosen as the majority whip. The Republicans may be stupid at times, but they weren’t stupid enough to put one of the dumbest politicians from Kansas in one of the most important positions of power in the US House or Representatives.

According to The Wichita Eagle, February 02, 2006:

”Tiahrt didn’t get a chance to compete for the majority whip job, because that was dependent on current whip Roy Blunt of Missouri being elected the new House majority leader. But Blunt lost in today’s election to Rep. John Boehner of Ohio.”

Much as our mission in Iraq, Tiahrt has bombed.

From WASHINGTON – “U.S. Representative Todd Tiahrt had already announced that Committee Chairmen, Steve Buyer (R-IN) Veterans’ Affairs and Donald Manzullo (R-IL) Small Business, would have Co-Chaired his campaign for House Majority Whip. Buyers has been accused of treating veteran’s benefits as welfare.” See: Larry Scott: "Welfarizing" the VA

Tiahrt is once again, a sinking ship.

1 comment:

Cie Cheesemeister said...

Would you say Tiahrt is as dumb as my favorite Wyoming representative (I can't remember his name, but his deed lives in infamy) who once said as an argument for why the "English Only" law should be passed:
"If English was good enough for our Lord Jesus Christ, it's good enough for us."