Rep. Todd Tiahrt and other Kansas Republicans are scrambling to return Abramoff’s donations (bribes in reality) before they get too bogged down in the scandal.
According The Wichita Eagle, Jan. 06, 2006:
“Jack Abramoff has lawmakers worried all over Capitol Hill, and they want nothing to do with him.
They may not have any choice.”
“Among Kansas lawmakers, Reps. Todd Tiahrt and Jim Ryun have smaller connections to Abramoff interests, which contributed to more than 300 members of Congress and congressional candidates, according to the Center for Responsive Politics in Washington, D.C.
Ryun received $250. Tiahrt received $5,440 worth of in-kind contributions.”
Sen. Sam Brownback received $44,500 in campaign contributions linked to the disgraced Washington lobbyist, according to federal records. His contributions were considerably more than the others.
This whole affair is just one more example of the gross corruption that has been perpetuated by a Republican congress that believes they can fleece the public and use these offices to make bundles of cash, while hiding behind the skirts of the religious fundamentalist leaders and their gullible followers who are looking for “moral guidance.”
What is moral about bribery?

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