Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Revenge fantasies

Excerpts from: The Journals Of A 21st Century Schizoid Man

This book is a fictional novel;

Max Stalin and his toy Guillotine
This is the story of Maxwell the Stalinist. Max likes Country Joe Stalin and he has no problem with leaders who commit mass murder. Max is one of the only Marxist-Leninists here in Wichita that I know.  He’s a short thin fellow with thinning brown hair. He is probably about 10 years younger than I am.
“That guy just creeps me out,” said Phaedra after she first met him at his home. Max lives in a working class neighborhood in a fairly-nice green-wooden house that he rents. He actually has a model of a Guillotine from the French Revolution that they used to sell along with such monster models as Frankenstein and Dracula, back in the 1960s. It sat on his fireplace mantel, along with his other collectables. We often sat in his front room, on one of his two couches, drank beer, which we set on his coffee table and discussed various politics.
“Well you have to take what he says with a grain of salt,” I replied. “I think he says things he really doesn’t mean.
“Since the 1960s, after World War II, the US set out to destroy any credibility to the new socialist governments of Asia,” Max said the first day Phaedra met him, at his home.  “Their idea was to do whatever they could get Americans to think of Mao Zedong, Joseph Stalin, Kim Il Sung and later, Pol Pot as nothing more than mass murderers.
….But here is this thing. Any leader who kills a lot of people is probably getting rid of a lot of scum—people that no one really wants around anyway. I have little doubt that some people deserve to be dragged into the street and shot in the head. Consider what it would be like to do that to Sam Brownback?”
He sure had a point there. Since his first term as Governor, Brownback has destroyed our public educational system, our health care system for the poor and disabled, he’s run our economy into the ground and he has hindered my ability to even get decent work. Heck—I’d like to see him shot and then hung upside down from a Kwick Shop the way they did Benito Mussolini and his mistress after they had been shot, so that passers-by could spit on them. I could really get into that. I have to admit, I really hate that bastard Brownback. But Phaedra found little to like about all of that.
“I really don’t like murders per say, but some people just need to be gotten rid of,” Max said. “Consider David and Charles Koch. Wouldn’t it be great if we could take those bastards out and just shoot them in the head?”
For the record, I really don’t want to kill the Koch Brothers. I’m not really violent or cruel person, but we all have our darker dreams, and finishing off the Koch brothers is one of mine. I would love to see David and Charles Koch dragged out in the street and shot in public. They continuously try to buy elections and destroy what little democracy we have left in this country. Their money should be redistributed to where it is needed.
“And while you’re at it, why not Brownback’s personal punk from Wichita; Kansas Representative Mike O’Connally,” I added in. “And don’t forget our lousy Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach.”
It didn’t take me long to find myself swept up in the “let just kill’em all” fantasy.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Let’s imitate Kansas—Missouri Legislators think your boss needs a BIG tax cut

I have been hearing reports that our esteemed yet completely idiotic governor, Sam Brownback, is being promoted as a model for other state’s Tea Party Republican morons to emulate. Here is just one example from our state next-door Missouri.

  The Missouri Senate has passed a massive tax cut, (don't get excited, it's not for you), and the legislation will now go to the Governor. So who gets a big tax cut? Your boss! If your boss owns the company and  is paid directly though profits he'll get a 50% tax cut  on his income taxes. If you boss doesn't get paid that way, don't worry, he can cook the books so he qualifies. Also the company you work for will have their tax rate go from 6.25% to 3.25.% That's close to a 50% cut, who hoo! So what do you get? If you a working stiff your income tax rate will go from 6% to.... 5.5%.  That's something like an 8% tax cut.  If that doesn't seem like much, don't worry, you will get something else: crappier roads, underfunded schools, longer waits at the DMV. You see, this plan will pretty much bankrupt the state, costing it $700 million every year once the plan is in full effect.

     Why are we doing this? Because we have to 
keep up with Kansas. You see, Kansas enacted an even more radical tax cut plan last year, so we have to do the same (I can hear my mother saying "If Billy jumped into the lake, would you too?"). So far, all the Kansas plan has done is throw that state into a budgetary crisis as funding for schools, roads and everything else dries up. The Kansas tax plan was supposed to bring businesses and jobs  to the state, but that hasn't exactly happened. The resulting budget mess has gotten so bad that the architect of the plan, Kansas Governor Sam Brownback's approval rating has fallen to 19 point in the last year, to 36%.  For a republican governor in a hard core republican state like Kansas, that's pitiful. The same poll showed President Obama getting a higher approval rating of 38%, IN KANSAS! 

     I was raised in Wichita, Kansas, so I hear from relatives how thing are going there. One of my brothers is a teacher there, and he tells me that as a cost saving measure, Kansas has closed down schools for children with behavioral problems, and dumped those kids into the regular class rooms, making it nearly impossible to teach. I hope all those businesses that aren't actually coming to Kansas don't expect educated workers.

     Missouri legislators say it will be different here, in part because the tax cuts will be fazed in over a five year period. So don't go making any plans for spending that two or three dollar a week tax cut you might be getting just yet. 

     So to sum up the tax cut plan. A BIG tax cut for your boss, a tiny one for you, crappier state government, and we get to be more like Kansas.