Sunday, January 27, 2008

Tiahrt: “U.S. NEEDS STIMULUS AND LONG-TERM GROWTH PLANS” – a whole article on nothing

Rep. Todd Tiahrt’s latest column, on the economy, in The Wichita Eagle is amazing in that it really says nothing at all, that hasn’t been said already. It Give the usual Republican fodder about:

The short-term stimulus package is likely to include federal tax rebate checks for individuals and business tax incentives to spur immediate growth and job creation. Regardless of what Americans do with extra rebate money in their pockets, it will go to work right away in our economy by being spent or invested. Either choice generates economic opportunities. And as the job creators in our economy, businesses need tax relief to help generate more job growth.

And of course there are always outright ignorant rants about making the American worker more competitive in the world economy:

During the past decade, we have lost many valuable jobs in the United States, even though we have the best workers, especially in Kansas. While our competitors around the globe have made their countries more attractive for employers, we have made it more difficult for American businesses to create jobs. We must tear down barriers that keep businesses from being competitive, and we should do so with bipartisan force.

They pay $20 a week in China to build our TV’s Can the American workers compete with those wages. Who can live on that? How, Mr. Tiahrt, are we supposed to compete with those types of wages? Of course Tiahrt gives no answer and probably doesn’t even have one.

For the entire waste of space in our local paper. Click on
The Wichtita Eagle: for the rest of the column:


Saturday, January 26, 2008

Tiahrt denies overpopulation and it’s problems

Once again, people of the far right who refuse to believe in overpopulation, by awarding a “Champions for Family: International Culture of Life Award” To Representative Todd Tiahrt. At a time when global whether patterns and peak oil predictions are telling us that we will are facing future food shortages, to promote bigger families would seem outright absurd. But we are taking about Todd Tiahrt, a man whose very tenure in office can be summed up as absurd.

The article said:

Tiahrt to be Awarded "Champions for Family: International Culture of Life Award"
The Filipino Family Fund will present the award at their reception tonight in Washington D.C.
WASHINGTON – U.S. Rep. Todd Tiahrt (R-Goddard) tonight will be awarded with the "Champions for Family: International Culture of Life Award." The Filipino Family Fund will present the award at their 2nd annual "International Culture of Life: Champions for Family" reception at the Phoenix Park Hotel at 7 p.m."I consider it a great honor and privilege to stand with those working to protect traditional family values and the lives of the unborn," said Tiahrt. "There is much work that remains to be accomplished; but without the work of the Filipino Family Fund and other groups like it, our world would be much bleaker. We need more groups and people acting as tireless champions for a culture of life.
"In 1998 Congress first enacted the so-called "Tiahrt Amendment" that prohibited the use of U.S. funds for coercive family planning programs abroad. This language was necessitated by the documentation of widespread and oppressive patterns of forced sterilizations and denial of basic public benefits for women who refused to participate in family planning in Peru. Rep. Tiahrt has continued to ensure this language is retained each appropriations year.

For the rest of this article see Tiahrt.

Mr. Tiahrt and his supporters continue to hide their head in the sand on the problem of overpopulation due to religious superstition.